It is a great pleasure to announce a show for HLADNO PIVO, a punk-rock phenomenon that has been sending fans crazy since 1987. Hailing back from Zagreb, Croatia and playing some furious and heavy stuff , these four beer-drinking-riff-shredding-song-shouting vagabonds will rock your cage. And then some.
Influenced by bands such as the Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Motorhead and ACDC the band is something of a cult sensation. Throughout the years, Hladno pivo (Cold Beer translated from Croatian) released 8 albums and 4 live albums shifting gradually away from their early punk rock sound and creating their own frenetic mixture of punk, metal, hard rock, hip hop and Balkan etno music.
Next week concert at the O2 Islington Academy will mark a new height for the hard working band that shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.

I urge all you rock fans to come to the show and experience Croatian punk-rock giants in their full flow. It ain’t all about palm trees and turquoise blue sea. And Monarch went bust anyway.
Hey Ho Let’s Go!