Balkans bands announce UK and Ireland dates

In an ocean of artists and various genres in the UK an information about another gig on yet another tour would usually go unnoticed. However this is different.
Because when four bands from Croatia and Serbia decide to play together and in UK it gives the whole story different angle.
Beast from the East tour will see some of the most intriguing and outspoken rock bands from the Balkans join forces in showcasing their admirable creativity and undoubted talent. Last year’s appearance at Liverpool Sound City festival gave M.O.R.T. a Croatian blues punk band an opportunity to show the World what they are all about. And they grabbed it without hesitation, prompting online zine to include the band on a lucrative Top 20 Artists at Sound City 2018.
This year Croats will be back with vengeance. And friends. As THEM MOOSE RUSH and FROM ANOTHER MOTHER join the former an unprecedented attempt to conquer the Old Empire albeit by riffs and lyrics.

THEM MOOSE RUSHÂ very much like FROM ANOTHER MOTHERÂ are prog rock fanatics with a taste for an adventure. Not wasting a single riff, both bands will grab you, throw you, pick you up and you’ll love every second of the ride as if on a rollercoaster itself.
To spice things up Belgrade’s own VIZELJ have been invited to Sound City 2019. Serbian prodigal sons been wowing audiences in their own country with a sheer ferocity of their live performance, something a few other young artist are part of a scene Belgrade can proudly call their own.
One thing is sure, if you don’t go to see them you will regret it ten fold. These are bands on the up. Next time you get to see them might be in a sold out arena.
Not a small cosy club on your doorstep.
Yep your doorstep.
Beast from the East dates:
5. May Liverpool Sound City Festival (tickets)
6. May Dublin. Fibber Magees (tickets)
7. May Edinburgh Bannerman’s (tickets)
9. May London O2 Islington Academy 2 (tickets)