Sitting in the airport lounge reminiscing about people and places seems to do the trick. Thick fog outside and subzero temperatures reminds me of another January blues?
Nah not in this life. For in 3 weeks time 2020 edition of MENT will spring to full glory yet again.
One of the best showcase festivals in Europe will open its doors to artists, music industry professionals, media and punters alike hungry for a glimpse of a future star, or merely looking for some simple fun with new friends.

Photo: Nejc Ketis
Running from Wednesday 5. February to Friday 7. February visitors of Slovenia’s capital of Ljubljana are in for a surprise.
There will be plenty of business moments too, networking, picture taking, music savouring, bands talking, deal brokering, food and wine tasting, streets walking and bus hoping.
There’s no business like show business.
And if there’s anything to read from an extensive program, MENT will attempt to outdo itself once again.
Many will look out for artists from former Yugoslavia, like Serbia BUC KESIDI and SHAJZERBITERLEMON, popular Belgrade bands who have caused some stir with powerful live shows, attracting attention of other European festivals. Or North Macedonia, tiny country with a big heart, lovely friendly people and talented post punk, funktrap and electronica bands reaching out to Europe.
Croatia are sending few of their own surprises to Ljubljana, a mere 2 hours away by car.
It’s worth mentioning DAMIR AVDIC, a Bosnian living in Slovenia. A unique character, a one man band, a literary revolutionary, a Neil Young and Bob Dylan of the Balkans. A singer songwriter who tell you how it is better than a full on band.
Exciting artists will be coming from Spain and Portugal too. AMORANTE with his dark folk improvisation and SCURU FITCHADU, a loud, pacy heavy beat with a uncompromising punk message.

Photo: Urska Boljkovac
Biggest challenge tho seems to be a very rich conference program. Every year MENT has been engaging music professionals, and every one else interested in behind the scene ins and outs of running a label, organising a concert and festival, or advertising and promoting your event. This year conference program is bigger and better than ever before. Sheer number of guest speakers outnumbers previous years with ease and then some.
If all this sounds confusing, a MENT made application is there for your pleasure, with all artists, events, times and remainders.
For those thinking this is all a bit much, food in Ljubljana is great. Many who visited the opening night will vouch for that. I fully expect a dude selling burek around midnight to turn up no doubt.
If all of this takes you by surprise, join me for a beer and some serious riffolution with MONDO GENERATOR, California stoner heavy weights. Not part of the festival but never the less, a great day out, on Sunday 9. February in Ilirska Bistrica, an hour away from Ljubljana.
Busy busy busy?!
You betcha !
One to watch: Bernhard Eder, Body Says No, 52 Hertz Whale, Decibelles, Sift, SHAJZERBITERLEMON, Buč Kesidi, Amorante, Scuru Fitchadu, Neighbors burning Neighbors, it/Another crying game, Black country New road…and many many more.